
Dear partners

We inform you that since December 2012, Habitat pentru Umanitate Rădăuţi (former name of our association, now named Door to Home) renounced the status of affiliation with Habitat for Humanity Romania and starting from from 3rd December 2018 renounced the last elements of name or brand which would create confusion and would have suggested a status of affiliation with Habitat for Humanity Romania and Habitat for Humanity International or that it would be a part of Habitat for Humanity’s international network.

The organization in Rădăuți will continue its activity under the new name of Door to Home with a new brand identity from now on. Habitat pentru Umanitate Rădăuți was affiliated to Habitat for Humanity Romania during the period 2002-2012.

Our organization will continue its own projects under the name of Door to Home Association (registered as such in the courts in June 2019), remaining faithful to its mission to build homes and develop new types of programs dedicated to low-income families, according to the experience of more than 17 years. Our worksites are open to volunteers, donors, sponsors for the benefit of families in need of housing and we await you with open arms!

Yours sincerely,

Adrian Ciorna

Association Door to Home

Our Mission

Door to Home is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization that builds, renovates and rehabilitates simple houses, decent and affordable as price, with and for the underprivileged persons, with the help of volunteers and community resources.

Contact Us

Door to Home
Str. Bogdan Voda, nr. 12, Cam. 14
Rădăuţi, Suceava, 725400

Tel: 0230 - 562751

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