Get Involved

smiling family

Why should I get involved? I’m sure I won’t change anything. What if everyone thought so? What would it be to give up even before you started to do something? Unfortunately, this attitude is common among people.

Anyway, we shouldn’t forget that the change starts from someone...from a person who thought he could change something, from one like me and you. The Change comes from a person’s courage. Of course, it`s very hard to change something by yourself ... but the change must start from someone. Why shouldn’t I be the one?

Unfortunately, Romania does not have the resources to create a better world for all of its inhabitants yet. There are many things that are not as we would like them to be. And without our involvement, so they would remain. That’s why I must get involved: to find solutions and solve problems that affect all of us. Only by getting involved we can find solutions to our problems. And more than that, being actively involved in the life of the community, we will contribute to creating a harmonious community and a better environment for all. We cannot expect for our problems to be solved by the state or the local authorities or anyone else.

It`s time to work and to act together for the common good.

 You can get involved by:

  • A Sponsorship: by sponsoring the building materials needed for our projects or by recommendations to a potential sponsor - if you know a company / person who could be interested in involving in the projects of Door to Home
  • The ability to recruit volunteers who would like to participate in the activities of Door to Home alongside partner families and Door to Home specialists in ongoing projects
  • Promoting our projects among individuals or companies that might be interested in acting for the common good
  • Organizing / supporting fundraising events
  • Pure and simply making a donation to our work


  Volunteer        Donate


Our Mission

Door to Home is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization that builds, renovates and rehabilitates simple houses, decent and affordable as price, with and for the underprivileged persons, with the help of volunteers and community resources.

Contact Us

Door to Home
Str. Bogdan Voda, nr. 12, Cam. 14
Rădăuţi, Suceava, 725400

Tel: 0230 - 562751

Connect with Us
