Build homes

insulating houseWe believe that with a decent home and a welcoming space, children will be more successful in school and may relate differently to other children. It will create bonds of friendship and cooperation between the family and neighboring families which will lead to a much safer atmosphere in the community. Having a home where the family is united, it will avoid dropout due to the lack of supervision of children by the parents working abroad. It prevents disruption of families which is another consequence of their migration to other countries. In other words, we seek not just to be building homes but building communities, an impact we want to perpetuate for a longer period of time.

The house has an area of 54-65 sqm and includes a kitchen, a living-room, a bathroom and two bedrooms and will be a proper, healthy and decent environment for children to grow in. The house follows standards of being simple, modest, safe which has the purpose of creating a decent and healthy living space with minimum resources.

Our program does not give these houses for free; its secondary objective is to create communities as well as the elimination of poverty housing. In this respect, all the selected families will be involved in building their own house and other houses by working at least 1500 sweat-equity hours.

This participatory model has the purpose of making beneficiaries aware and responsible regarding the importance of community. Many of the problems in a community can be solved with resources which exist already, but which are not used.

Also, we believe that families do not need a hand out, but a hand up (capital). This is the reason why the families will pay, during 20 years, the value of the construction materials (without the value of the work which is done with the help of volunteers) and services paid for by our association. The monthly installments will help Door to Home support more families without bringing any harm to the dignity of the beneficiary families. In fact this way we play the role of a platform, of a vehicle through which families pass the gift on, helping themselves someone in a similar, dificult living condition as they, themselves have been in before being helped.


Our Mission

Door to Home is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization that builds, renovates and rehabilitates simple houses, decent and affordable as price, with and for the underprivileged persons, with the help of volunteers and community resources.

Contact Us

Door to Home
Str. Bogdan Voda, nr. 12, Cam. 14
Rădăuţi, Suceava, 725400

Tel: 0230 - 562751

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