
Because adequate housing is a prerequisite for the harmonious development of people and communities, we renovate, build, facilitate, and educate and we are active to create the foundations of new lives.

We achieve this by involving donations, sponsorships and hosting dozens of volunteers annually within our programs.


instal roof trussesNEW CONSTRUCTION

We believe that with a decent home and a welcoming space, children will be more successful in school and may relate differently to other children. It will create bonds of friendship and cooperation between the family and neighboring families which will lead to a much safer atmosphere in the community. Having a home where the family is united, it will avoid dropout due to the lack of supervision of children by the parents working abroad. It prevents disruption of families which is another consequence of their migration to other countries. In other words Door to Home seeks not just to build homes but build communities, an impact we want to perpetuate for a longer period of time.  Read more....



In the 15 years of activity, during in which we studied in depth the area in which Door to Home community operates, there was a very high need for renovations.
The rehabilitation/renovation includes the following types of actions:  Housing rehabilitation, interior repairs, painting, flooring installation, carpentry, windows, exterior/interior insulation, and roof repairs.  Read more....



The community interventions include the following activities: The arrangement of public spaces (parks, playgrounds, and school yards), the set-up of areas for various community activities, the facilitation of access to utilities, etc.

Community interventions target activities where direct beneficiaries are all members of that community, and a very important component is the active involvement of as many people as possible in this type of activity.  Read more....

education in the community



The lack of knowledge in different areas (Energy and Financial Efficiency, Disaster Response) determines behaviors that affect daily life. The lack of practical information causes high consumption of material, money, and human resources while not improving the quality of life. The identified need is to educate the community in these areas by offering free courses for targeted communities.  Read more....



Given the high risk of natural disasters produced in the area, many families are at risk of flooding, landslides and earthquakes. Following the events of 2005 and 2010 it was noted that there is a lack of education regarding appropriate behavior in case of such events, and also a lack of a minimum equipment required for an immediate intervention in such cases. Door to Home responds to disasters, regardless of its scale, using the experience gained in such intervention, based on the knowledge, resources and capacity available.  Read more....


Our Mission

Door to Home is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization that builds, renovates and rehabilitates simple houses, decent and affordable as price, with and for the underprivileged persons, with the help of volunteers and community resources.

Contact Us

Door to Home
Str. Bogdan Voda, nr. 12, Cam. 14
Rădăuţi, Suceava, 725400

Tel: 0230 - 562751

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